It is relatively easy to kill 10-15 sea raiders/ looters with horse+lance+bow/crossbow and experience will go up really fast by doing so I focus first on increasing levels, meaning working alone or few troops (less than 5), and just killing looters and sea raiders. if possible, a large bag of arrows/ bolts a bow or crossbow (depending what you want to focus on) a relatively fast (but cheap) horse to be hard to hit (at lower levels, any hit will kill you) a jousting lance to enslave instead of kill

With 2 or 3 villages you can get enough money to buy some starting equipment, ideally: I usually start stealing cows from villages (you need some starting points in loot skill to do it), easy money and little consequences. Currently the only thing that keeps me afloat is the ransoms from captured nobles During times of peace with the nords, I trade fish to the easterners, which gives MAD profit (prices can go as high as 120, and it's almost free (around 20) when buying) Sadly trading gets harder when you're aligned, I'm thinking of moving on to looting once my army grows larger. I still use trade as my primary income, trading Iron within Swadia can give me a profit of 1-200%, which is nice.

I started out as a trader until I had about 25k, then I used the money to raise an army and married a Swadian nobleman to become a noble - 200 days later and that's pretty much where I'm still atĭid a lot of quests for important nobles before managing to become one (being King Harlaus' personal mailman sure gave me a good standing) My plan right now is to particiate in the wars, raise my power within the kingdom and eventually claim the title of Queen of Swadia (and calradia, of course )