Fallout 4 perk icons
Fallout 4 perk icons

  • Grenades and incendiaries no longer slow movement speed of players.
  • We will continue to refine spawn logic over time to improve spawns in matches with higher player counts.
  • A bug resulting in unpredictable spawns in Patrol has been fixed as well general tuning of spawn logic globally.
  • Fixed a bug that caused shots after the first shot to be too quiet.
  • Footsteps are silent when players ADS, Crouch Walk, or have a Perk / Field Upgrade equipped which silences movement.
  • Audio received a complete mixing and content overhaul to address community feedback from the Public Beta, including more audible footsteps, player and non-player weapons, and map environment content.
  • We will continue to refine VFX, Lighting, and UI into launch and monitor player feedback surrounding the various topics of visibility.
  • Lens flare reduced across all maps (we nerfed the sun).
  • We've fixed cases of nametags appearing through Destruction.
  • Various bugs have been fixed including a bug where certain optics would stop enemy and friendly HUD icons from displaying while ADS.
  • fallout 4 perk icons

  • Removed the droplets of water that get all up in your face when it rains.
  • VFX Environment ambient placement for better sightlines.
  • Completed a pass on muzzle flash placement/coverage when aiming down sights.
  • Distortion effects were removed from muzzle flash and we reduced smoke emitted when firing a weapon.

  • Fallout 4 perk icons